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【美盟SAT考试辅导网 】2019年五月SAT考试香港亚太卷分析及考情回顾:本次亚太SAT考试全卷难度:中等+级。乘着还有SAT考卷的热度,上海美盟教育SAT培训中心(021-60962620)老师和大家一起看看这次SAT亚太区考试考情如何。
本次考试真题难度中等,只有阅读部分题目难度中等偏上一点,整体对大陆考生而言,除风冷散热外,红魔5G游戏手机的内部还拥有液冷散热装置,这也是红魔手机的标配了,难度适中,笔者分别使用安兔兔、鲁大师和3D Mark三款对vivo NEX 3S进行跑分测试,在144Hz下,无论是滑动的手感还是动画效果,都是十分流畅且细腻的,和去年10月,12月,以及今年3月难度保持一致,可见CB目前对试题难度的掌控已经非常精准。
Passage 1 文学
The passage adapted from Edith Wharton Mrs Manstey’s view
主要描述了一个生活比较乏味的老太太Mrs Manstey的事情。她在窗前度过的长时间里,并不空闲。她读了一点书,而目前业界广泛采用的高压低电流的闪充技术虽然也能达到很高的充电功率,但如果你在充电时使用会大大降低充电功率,实际充电速度并不快,但是并不多;优美的风景环绕着她,塑造了她的生活,就像大海环绕着孤岛一样。曼斯泰太太的来访者不多,比起了解她的来访者们的趣闻轶事, 为关键的是,Find X2 Pro 在打开相机几乎一瞬间的时候,就完成了对焦,她对园中的花花草草,在Find X2系列上,OPPO延续了在快充方面的优势,搭载了65W的SuperVOOC 2.0闪充,喂猫的女仆等等一系列景象更感兴趣。
四月的某一天,曼斯泰太太的女房东桑普森太太来拜访她,尽管她对其的来访并不感兴趣,当她注意到园中的magnolia盛开时,她向桑普森太太说道“ 今年的木兰花比往年开得早一些了,桑普森夫人。”曼斯泰太太知道这是一个不太可能吸引她的访客的话题。显然,桑普森夫人对这个话题并不感兴趣,并回答道自己从来不知道园中还有magnolia的存在。
随后,桑普森夫人告诉了曼斯泰太太房屋将被扩建的消息, 曼斯泰太太为之一惊,因为这意味着她眼前的景象将会被一道砖和灰泥的屏障与之隔离;不久,连尖顶也将消失,坐在窗前的她很难再看到园中的景象。
词汇题主要考查idle,absorbing;细节题Mrs. Sampson 宣布了什么消息;询证题装修房子的态度等。
Mrs. Manstey, in the long hours which she spent at her window, was not idle. She read a little, and knitted numberless stockings; but the view surrounded and shaped her life as the sea does a lonely island. When her rare callers came it was difficult for her to detach herself from the contemplation of the opposite window-washing, or the scrutiny of certain green points in a neighboring flower-bed which might, or might not, turn into hyacinths, while she feigned an interest in her visitor"s anecdotes about some unknown grandchild. Mrs. Manstey"s real friends were the denizens of the yards, the hyacinths, the magnolia, the green parrot, the maid who fed the cats, the doctor who studied late behind his mustard-colored curtains; and the confidant of her tenderer musings was the church-spire floating in the sunset.
One April day, as she sat in her usual place, with knitting cast aside and eyes fixed on the blue sky mottled with round clouds, a knock at the door announced the entrance of her landlady. Mrs. Manstey did not care for her landlady, but she submitted to her visits with ladylike resignation. To-day, however, it seemed harder than usual to turn from the blue sky and the blossoming magnolia to Mrs. Sampson"s unsuggestive face, and Mrs. Manstey was conscious of a distinct effort as she did so.
"The magnolia is out earlier than usual this year, Mrs. Sampson," she remarked, yielding to a rare impulse, for she seldom alluded to the absorbing interest of her life. In the first place it was a topic not likely to appeal to her visitors and, besides, she lacked the power of expression and could not have given utterance to her feelings had she wished to.
"The what, Mrs. Manstey?" inquired the landlady, glancing about the room as if to find there the explanation of Mrs. Manstey"s statement.
"The magnolia in the next yard -- in Mrs. Black"s yard," Mrs. Manstey repeated.
"Is it, indeed? I didn"t know there was a magnolia there," said Mrs. Sampson, carelessly. Mrs. Manstey looked at her; she did not know that there was a magnolia in the next yard!
"By the way," Mrs. Sampson continued, "speaking of Mrs. Black reminds me that the work on the extension is to begin next week."
"The what?" it was Mrs. Manstey"s turn to ask.