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  • 2020-07-11 15:33



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  People who are taking aspirin regularly to thin their blood and are about to undergo coronary artery bypass surgery (冠状动脉旁路搭桥术) are usually to stop the aspirin a week before the operation but they could be better off if they keep taking it.

  Taking aspirin up to the day coronary artery bypass grafting (移植) is performed seems to speed lung function recovery afterwards, without increasing the risk of bleeding significantly, according to a report from Israel.

  Release of a substance called thromboxane (血栓素) is associate with lung injury after heart bypass grafting, Dr Rabin Gerrah at Assuta Medical Center in Tel Aviv and his colleagues explained in the medical journal Chest. Aspirin is believed to inhibit release of thromboxane, so Gerrahs group theorized that the administration of aspirin until the day of the surgery could improve outcomes.

  They therefore followed 14 patients who took 100 milligrams of aspirin daily until the day of the surgery and 18 who stopped taking aspirin at least 7 days before the surgery.

  Those who continued with their aspirin had significantly lower thromboxane in fluid around the heart, better oxygen levels in their blood and spent less time on a ventilator than the group who discontinued taking aspirin.

  On the other hand, the need for blood transfusions was no different between the groups, indicating that bleeding complications were no worse with aspirin.

  The researchers had excluded patients who had suffered a heart attack and those with heart failure because patients like these have a higher level of thrombaxane. They will probably benefit even more than its inhibition.

  Based on their findings, Gerrahs team recommends that aspirin therapy not be discontinued before coronary artery bypass surgery.

  1.From the passage we know that .

  A.doctors usually get people who will have coronary artery bypass surgery to stop taking aspirin 7 days before the operation

  B.Aspirin is believed to increase release of thromboxane

  C.Taking aspirin up to the day coronary artery bypass grafting is performed seems to slow lung function recovery afterwards

  D.Patients suffering a heart attack have a lower level of thromboxane

  2.The purpose of the passage is to introduce to us that .

  A.aspirin can make for release of thromboxane

  B.aspirin is useful for patients suffering a heart attack

  C.different ways turn out to be the same result

  D.aspirin may improve recovery after heart bypass

  3.According to Dr Rabin Gerrah, patients who will have heart bypass surgery should .

  A.stop taking aspirin before the surgery

  B.take aspirin as much as they like until the day of the surgery

  C.be allowed to take 100 milligrams of aspirin daily until the day of the surgery

  D.take aspirin after the heart bypass operation

  4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.People who continued with aspirin had significantly higher thromboxane in fluid around the heart.

  B.Thromboxane is a substance related to lung injury after heart bypass grafting.

  C.It usually takes one week to undergo coronary artery bypass surgery.

  D.Stopping aspirin a week before heart bypass operation could be better off to people who will undergo the operation.


  1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B



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