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  • 2020-07-09 19:15



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  American dream? What a lie! This comment(批评) was made by a Cuban teenage girl. She was attending a huge protest(抗议) in Havana, Cuba, against American immigration laws last Tuesday.

  Tens of thousands of people, including Cubas President, Fidel Castro, took part in the protest to remember 30 missing Cubans, including 13 children. Their boat was lost in the Florida Straits after setting out from Cuba on November 17. It is one of the worst accidents involving(牵涉到) Cubans being smuggled(偷渡) into the US. Fourteen people died in the sinking of a smugglers boat in 1998, and about 40 people died in 1994 when a tugboat sank near Havana. Castro believes that the Cuban Adjustment Act is responsible for the 30 people disappearing.

  This 1996 law gives special allowances to Cuban immigrants who reach US land by whatever means. It gives them residents status(住民身份) and chances to work. It is very different from the US policy to immigrants from other countries. Because it encourages illegal immigration and these types of accidents, some called it the murderous law.

  The US uses the so-called dry foot, wet foot rule. Those found at sea are sent back to Cuba. But those who set foot on US soil are generally allowed to stay. Castro said that the law encourages Cubans to undertake dangerous sea journeys with the hope of living in the US.

  The immigration policy of the US has caused many problems between the US and Cuban. The two countries plan to meet next month to discuss immigration issues.

  1. Who is Fidel Castro?

  A. He is one of the missing smugglers.

  B. He is one of the persons who made the Cuban Adjustment Act.

  C. He is a Cuban.

  D. He is the American president.

  2. Why did so many people attend the protest?

  A. Because they were not allowed to enter the US.

  B. Because their children were missing.

  C. Because they wanted to come back to their homeland.

  D. Because they were against American immigration laws.

  3. Which of the following is right?

  A. Cuban Adjustment Act is a Cuban law.

  B. Havana is a place in Cuba.

  C. 43 people disappeared after they set out on November 17.

  D. The American immigration law was made in 1994.

  4. Why did so many people want to smuggle into the US?

  A. They wanted to live a better life there.

  B. They were treated badly in their country.

  C. They had relatives in the US.

  D. The Americans were very friendly.

  5. What is the result of Cuban Adjustment Act ?

  A. The two countries plan to meet next month.

  B. It is very different from the US policy to immigrants from other countries.

  C. Those who set foot on US soil are generally allowed to stay.

  D. It encourages Cubans to undertake dangerous sea journeys.

  【答案与剖析】 本文报告的是古巴反美国移民政策的一次大型抗议。

  1. C。究竟细节题。按照文章第2段 Tens of thousands of people ,including Cubas President Fidel Castro, took part in the protest 可知答案为C。

  2. D。推理判定题。从 against American immigration laws last Tuesday 可知抗议是为了反对美国的移民政策,故答案选D。

  3. B。究竟细节题。按照第1段 中a huge protest(抗议) in Havana, Cuba可知答案为B。因为英语中的地点是有小到大摆列的。

  4. A。究竟细节题。按照第四段中It gives them residents status(住民身份)and chances to work可知答案为A。

  5. D。究竟细节题。按照文中倒数第2段 the law encourages Cubans to undertake dangerous sea journeys with the hope of living in the US可知答案为D。



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