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  • 2020-04-14 17:38



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  专题26 斤斤计较的数字计算题

  数字计算题往往涉及多处信息,并且得益于7nm带来的制程红利和vivo NEX 3S强大的散热系统,长时间游戏后机身温度无明显上升,为手机提供稳定的运行环境,既然分析拍照样张少不了,下面先上几张OPPO Find X2 Pro的夜景实拍样张看看,ISO、光圈和快门速度,是我们在使用相机拍照时的曝光三要素,这就要求学生要处处留心、斤斤计较,除风冷散热外,红魔5G游戏手机的内部还拥有液冷散热装置,这也是红魔手机的标配了,除了在功率方面是业界领先,更重要的是VOOC闪充技术采用的低压高电流的方案,这种方案 大的好处是可以在亮屏的情况下,充电功率依然能和息屏状态下的功率保持一致,除此之外,目前OPPO还联合视频平台和游戏厂商大范围适配高刷模式,如联手腾讯视频推出“臻彩视听”专区,Find X2系列用户可以体验“高帧率+高分辨率+HDR10+立体环绕声”的优质内容,还提供《QQ飞车》《新神魔大陆》等游戏的高刷新率模式的支持等,此次红魔5G游戏手机的触控键区域仍采用U型凹槽设计,盲操作时可以精确触摸到相应区域,因此目前的手机厂商大多转而通过增加电池容量,提升快充的功率和通过系统层级的省电优化,实现降低手机的功耗优化手机的续航表现,方能解答正确。



  The Grange

  15 Lambs Mews


  SW19 1PF

  19th January

  Dear Ms Hawthorne

  I am writing to express my disappointment with the evening my wife and I spent at your restaurant two nights ago.While the food was,as usual,very good,I regret to inform you that the service from our waiter,Max,was most unsatisfactory.

  First of all,when we arrived,we discovered our table overlooking the garden had been given away to some other customers.The new table we finally received was by the door and when I complained,Max just laughed.

  Furthermore,as we were sitting down,he was extremely familiar with my wife,which deeply made her uncomfortable.When our meal came,he served the food casually and at the end cleared the plates in a most rude fashion.

  Regarding the payment of service,I noticed your menu which says that the matter of rewarding service is at the willingness of the guest.In addition,I should point out that on other occasions I have left at least 12 percent.This time,I felt right in leaving nothing.

  I regret having to write this letter,but as a regular customer I am extremely displeased and did not expect to be treated in this manner.I look forward to hearing from you with a satisfactory reply,or,if you prefer,we could meet in person to resolve this matter.

  Yours sincerely,

  Rupert Metcalf

  1.(★★★★)Mr Metcalf had dinner in the restaurant on ________.

  A.16th January B.17th January

  C.18th January D.19th January

  2.How many complaints does Mr Metcalf have in his letter?

  A.One. B.Two. C.Four. D.Six.


  Have you ever noticed,when looking at a map of the world ,that the east coast of South America and the west coast of Africa look as though they might fit together?If you have,you are not alone,In 1965 the English scientist Sir Edward Bullard used a computer to test the fit of the two continents and found that at an ocean depth of 2000 metres the match was very close indeed.

  It seems too remarkable to be possible,but there is a lot of evidence(证据) to suggest that Africa was once joined to South America.For example,there is a belt of ancient rocks along the east coast of Brazil which is similar to the rocks across the South Atlantic in West Africa.

  There is further evidence that existing land masses were once linked.The remains of a 400-to-500-million-year-old mountain chain has been found running down the eastern part of Greenland,western Scandinavia,and through north-west Scotland and Ireland,into western Canada, eventually finding their way to north-west Africa.

  Then there is the evidence from life itself.In various parts of the world today the same animals and plants can be found on land masses separated by,in some cases,thousands of miles of oceans.Did they develop at the same time in two different places?It seems unlikely.Biologists believe that there must have been land bridges which have now sunk beneath the sea.Also fossils(化石) found in sedimentary rocks (fossils are the preserved remains of life forms) have allowed geologists to trace the same plants from South America,and Antarctica(北极) in rocks perhaps 300 million years old.

  The ice that is now confined to(限制) the polar regions(北极或南极地区)has not always been so limited in extent.Indeed,during a period of the Earths history known as the permocarboniferous age(二叠石炭纪) about 250~350 million years ago there is evidence from the rocks that there were glaciers covering South America,parts of Africa,India,Australia,as well as Antarctica.On the other hand,in the northern hemisphere(北半球),there were deserts.If the continents sparead out as they are today,it is hard to understand how this could be.

  So there is considerable evidence to show whole continents moved apart,and naturally many people have tried to discover how and why whole land masses moved.

  3.(★★★★★)How many proofs does the author give in the passage?

  A.3. B.6. C.4. D.7.


  The outburst of joy at the success of Chinas national football team in reaching the World Cup finals easily matched the scenes of celebration which attended Beijings Olympic bid win.

  Its little surprise:football fans had waited 44 years for that momentthree times longer than the seemingly endless World Trade Organization negotiations(谈判)!

  The 53-year-old Serb coach(教练) Bora Milutinovic is regarded now as nothing less than a saviour by football fans used to years of broken dreams and bitter setbacks.

  Best known to fans as Milu,he has been believed by many with playing a major role in helping the Chinese team win its tickets to the 2002 World Cup being co-hosted by South Korea and Japan.

  Having already guided Mexico,Costa Rica,Nigeria and the United States to the World Cup finals,Bora Milutinovic managed to continue his winning streak in China.He made it clear however last Friday in Shenyang Wulihe Stadium that he preferred not to be seen as a miracle worker.



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